CCMRI: Climate Change Metagenomic Record Index (CCMRI): a dynamic researcher-notification and sample classification system

PREGO (doi): a literature and data-mining resource to associate microorganisms, biological processes, and environment types

PEMA (doi): metabarcoding bioinformatics/environmental DNA metabarcoding analysis has turned the page on the study of biodiversity and biomonitoring. We developed PEMA, a containerized, time-efficient and easy-to-use assembly of key metabarcoding analysis tools, supporting the complete bioinformatics analysis of a series of marker genes (16S/18S rRNA, COI and ITS). PEMA is available via DockerHub and SingularityHub and you may find more on the PEMA documentation site.

DECO (doi): automating the curation process of historical literature on marine biodiversity using text mining: the DECO Workflow

EXTRACT (doi): interactive extraction of environment metadata and term suggestion for metagenomic sample annotation

ELIXIR-GR: ELIXIR-GR is the Greek National Node of the ESFRI European RI ELIXIR, a distributed e-Infrastructure aiming at the construction of a sustainable European infrastructure for biological information. Follow the links to find out more about the Marine Omics pilot action and the LifeWatchGreece MicroCT vLab the team relates to.